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The Struggle in Chile

The mass student protests that started in 2011 continue on into 2012. This past Monday saw thousands again pour out into the street. In the city of Valparaiso, there were particularly violent episodes between police and students. One such group participating in the movement is the Front of  Libertarian Students, libertarian in the anarchist meaning. Will do my best to translate their anthem:

in the Fel (Font of libertarian-socialist students)
to make the revolution,
for communism,
direct action, mobilization.

for our fallen,
our duty is battle.
let’s go comrades,
to create popular power
I am libertarian,
I give my life to the struggle
-for this-
I am libertarian,
I give my life to the struggle

kids of the classroom,
we do battle against Capital,
in all the streets,
our chant will be heard


laborer, student,
we have a tradition:
united against exploitation


Repression by Police Follows Chile’s Student Movement into 2012

A new round of unrest in gripping Chile. Students have taken to the streets once again after the expulsions of students who participated in the school occupations of 2011 that were challenging a for profit education system that is a relic of the Pinochet dictatorship.

Today’s protests followed violence by security forces yesterday directed against students as you will see below:

But just like yesterday, today’s protests were also met with violence by the police who subjected crowds to tear gas barrages:

In light of this brutality, it is entirely expected and legitimate for students to have called on the interior minister to resign for both his handling of the student protests and the crackdown on the indigenous people of Chile.